
Mar 11, 2011

Selfishness that leads to brokenness

Life, as you call it, is just not about living for yourself.
Life, as you call it, is just not about living for the day.
Life, as you call it, is just not about living for in the world of your own.
Life, as you call it, is just not about me, myself and I!
Why are people so selfish these days? Always thinking only about what you want and what you need! Why cant you think about other people? Is it so hard to even start to think and love others like how u love yourself? Treat others like how you would want to be treated?

There is a person which i know that is only, and always thinking about himself. Always blaming on other people for their mistakes and never even check himself! Always giving comments that will hurt people and never think that he is not mature. Always giving comments and saying that he knows a lot about love, relationships and etc. but when things happen, he is the first that dont know what it is all about. Only knows how to go round hurting people that cares for him.

The answer is just simple, ALL THAT MATTERS to him was HIM and HIM ALONE! life to him, is just making himself feel better and neglect about other people. Didnt even bother apologizing when he knows that he make a mistakes. Does it sound similar to you? Have you got any friends like that? THE WORLD AND LIFE IS JUST NOT ABOUT LIVING FOR YOURSELF! *this thought always comes into my mind and i wish i can just tell it off to them* well, some i did. some i did not. why didnt i? simple, cos they already choose to care for themselves more. 

Please learn to take a look around your surroundings. See for yourself the people you're hurting. Nice to see people getting hurt? i guess what goes around comes around. It will somehow happen to you again one day. Learn to appreciate things around you. All that matters is just not only yourself!


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