
May 6, 2011

The heart of gratitude

Why don't you take a step back and look at your life now? Are you in a place full of complaints? Are you in a place full of sorrow and bitterness?..? I don't know; perhaps you are, perhaps you are not, perhaps you are but you don't realize. But today i urge you, just read this through and see whether you find it help you to see beyond your situation.

Just a question so that you can ponder on it. Have you ever wonder why people who went through tough times still can be very joyful..? Well, honestly? I did. Back than, i didn't understand why there are such people. People who still feel thankful even when they are in trouble. But than i realize, the heart of gratitude changes everything, changes the way i see my problems. 

- Gratitude unlock the fullness in life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It can turn a meal into a feast; a house into a home; a stranger into a friend.- 

Have you ever feel thankful about your life? The thought of feeling alive again and seeing your friends and family. I am thankful for life. I am thankful for my health for i am still healthy. I am thankful for my family because i can turn to them when during my hard times. I am thankful for my friends who care about me as much as my family do. 

-Everything in this life is a gift, whether it is bad or good because it teaches you to grow and mature.-

You might not understand why you need to go through what you are or was going through but be thankful that you are still alive, be thankful for the good things in life, don't take it for granted and be thankful that these problems will make you to be the person you want to be in the future. You might not want to be where you want to be now but thank God that you are not where you used to be.

-You can't change your situation but you can change your attitude to one who has gratitude to live your life again.-

Be thankful for who are you because i am sure no one wants to be anyone else. Stop thinking you are not good enough; you are good enough! Because you don't want to be someone who you are not. No one wants to be a copyright of someone else. Think about this-THERE IS ONLY ONE AND ONLY ONE YOU that is surviving in this world with more than a billion of people. Isn't it amazing? be thankful that is only one of you. Be thankful for who you are. 

-Thank you for everything; Thank you for every opportunity that you have; to be able to learn and grow mature instead of being where you are now.-

Be thankful that you have food on the table where some people can't even afford it. Be thankful that you have friends, brothers and sister who believe in you when the rest of the world mock at you. Thank you for your education... and...(you think about it) Have you ever wonder there are actually a lot of things to be thankful about? Back than, i didn't know but now i do. 

- Accept the things that you can't change; have the courage to change the things that you can.-

Be thankful for every relationship because God has given you the opportunity to love someone like how he had love them. There are many things in life which we will not understand why it is happening but again, we can change our attitude to one that have gratitude. Be thankful that there are people who still lifted you up and comfort you when you are down.

-True success is not what you achieve but being faithful to your value and conviction.- 

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